I am super excited to finally have a blog, but now that I have one... I don't know what to write :)! This week I moved into a new apartment with 4 new roommates and they're all GREAT!
Joanie- haha so funny story.. when I read the email telling me what my roommates names were.. I thought Joanie's name was actually pronounced-- Joe Anny. haha we had a good laugh over that when I found out it was actually JOANIE. Anyways, Joanie is my room roommate and she is the BEST example. She wakes up from her alarm AND get this.. she only presses the snooze button ONCE. I mean seriously?! I press that thing like 20 times :)! She is a way fun and cute girl and I am so excited to have her as a roommate!
Kaylee- Kaylee is the greatest because she hooked me up with this sa-weeet blog :). BUT Kaylee and I share something in common... we're both SOUTHERN BELLS :). Kaylee is from Arkansas! She is so cute.. she loves to dance and she has a little southern drawl! haha. Anyways she is way fun!
Hailey- Hailey.. oh HAILEY! Poor thing fell the first day she moved in and hurt her ankle so she has been hobbling around here on crutches for days! She is so positive about it.. she doesn't even complain.. AND it takes her like 10 extra minutes to get to class because she is on crutches going through the snow! Anyways, Hailey is from a tiny little town in Nevada and she is an HOUR.. yes, an HOUR away from a stinkin WALMART. Hailey is so sweet!
Karen- Karen is from AFRICA. Can you believe it? In may this year it will be exactly a year since she has seen her parents!! I think she is so brave for coming all this way just to go to school! She also gets up at 3:00 AM to go to work! She is a hard worker that is for sure! She is way fun to talk to and I can't wait to get to know her better!
I just love my cute roommates! They're the best! I have been having a hard time this week and I think they could tell so Joanie and Hailey wrote little notes to me and put them on my bed and put a KING SIZE pack of M&M's on my bed (they know how to make me feel better)! They're so sweet & I love them like they're my sisters already :).
I hope this is a good blog?!? :)